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Tips for preventing eye problems

How to Prevent Eye Problems

There are many different types of eye disease, but many of them share methods of prevention. Consider these tips to help reduce your risk of eye problems.

Quitting Smoking would be great start

Tobacco use is synonyms with just about every kind of eye disease, including AMD(Age Related Macular Degeneration 50+), diabetic retinopathy, cataracts, and dry eye.

Regular visits to optician and eye exams

Starting treatment early is the best way to prevent permanent damage from glaucoma, retinal detachment, and other diseases. People over 30 should have a dilated eye exam at least every three to five years (more often if they are at higher risk for glaucoma). People over 60 should have one every year.

Control Blood Sugar

If you're diabetic, keeping your blood sugar level can help ward off retinopathy.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Obesity and health problems related to it (high blood pressure) are associated with higher risk of AMD, glaucoma, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.

Take "Eye Breaks"

If working in front of a computer or doing another task that requires long periods of visual focus, take a break and close your eyes or look at something far away for a few seconds every 20 minutes or so to prevent dry eye and eyestrain.

Common sense goes a long way if it having a straining effect just stop. Protect what you have.

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